


特許仲裁學會 初階國際仲裁課程

CIArb International Arbitration Courses

Introduction to International Arbitration




近年來,國際仲裁相關議題,持續受到各界矚目。對台灣涉外案件處理者而言,也不得不重視及了解應如何處理國際仲裁事件。特許仲裁學會(Chartered Institute of Arbitrators http://www.ciarb.org/about) 自1915年起提供國際爭端解決之相關教育訓練,至今已有107年的歷史。目前擁有超過17,000名會員、10,000名學生分布於世界150個國家,並設有42個分支機構(branches)。本次仲裁課程將提供對國際仲裁事件處理之教育訓練,涉及之議題包括:國際仲裁之基礎原則,案件處理之注意事項等。課程適合執業律師、仲裁人、政府相關部門、公司法務參加。課程將全程以英文進行,教材為中、英文。學員應於課程結束後28天內完成英文的線上測驗(online assessment),通過者可取得可申請成為特許仲裁學會之仲會員的資格(ACIArb, Associate membership of CIArb)。

課程教師為特許仲裁學會東亞分會前會長Glenn Haley律師、特許仲裁協會東亞分會前會長Mary BL Thomson大律師、特許仲裁協會東亞分會會長方兆文大律師、特許仲裁學會東亞分會臺灣支會會長陳希佳律師、ICC國際商會青年仲裁人論壇北亞代表張詩芸律師。


Course Information:

This course will be held online on Saturday, 23 July 2022 from 9 am to 5 pm. It will be conducted in English, followed by an online assessment, also in English, for your completion within 28 days after the course.

●The assessment comprises 60 multiple choice questions derived from the content of the course workbook.

●You will be given log-in and password details to access the assessment.

●When you log in, you will find instructions on how to work through the assessment.

●There will be a short practice test for you to experiment with before you begin the actual assessment.

●You will have up to three attempts to take and pass the assessment. Your result will be displayed immediately upon completion of the assessment.

●On passing the assessment, you will be invited to print your own certificate. You can then apply for ACIArb (Associate membership of CIArb) and consider progressing further along CIArb’s international arbitration training pathway.


Course Topics:

●Essential features of international arbitration.

●Laws and rules of arbitration.

●Composition of an arbitral tribunal.

●Powers and jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal.

●Pleadings (statements of claims and defence).

●Organising arbitral proceedings.


●Costs and interest.

●Decision-making process and award-making.

●Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.


Date and Time:

Saturday, 23 July 2022 (09:00 – 17:00)



Please go to https://forms.gle/6e56a6Rd6BAbJhej9 or link via the QR code for registration.

Cancellation Policy:

CIArb reserves the right to cancel the course, in which case any course fees paid would be returned or the opportunity to transfer their registration and fee to the next cohort.

If a registration is cancelled by candidates before and including 24 June 2022, 100% of the course fees will be refunded. If a registration is cancelled by candidates after 24 June 2022, 50% of the course fees will be refunded.

Please find the flyer via the below link:
