  We cordially invite you to participate in the "2023 Taiwan Arbitration Week," co-organized by the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA), and the Taiwan Bar Association. This event will be held from October 23 to 29, 2023.
  This year, we have taken inspiration from international practices such as the Paris and Hong Kong Arbitration Weeks, where bar associations, law firms, industry associations, and arbitral institutions are invited to host seminars during Taiwan Arbitration Week.
  今年的研討會共有十一個場次,內容涵蓋不同產業爭議解決機制的最新實務發展。其中10月24日至25日將舉辦具有豐富歷史的臺北國際仲裁暨調解研討會,從科技運用及全球經濟的角度,探討國際爭端解決所面臨的挑戰及變革;此次也相當難得能邀請世界知名的國際經濟法學者、前世界貿易組織上訴機構主席Prof. Dr. Peter Van den Bossche進行主題演講。
  The 2023 Taiwan Arbitration Week comprises a total of eleven seminars and conferences, which will cover the latest developments in dispute resolution mechanisms across various industries. Notably, the long-standing Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation is scheduled for October 24th and 25th. The main theme of this conference revolves around the current challenges and transformations in international dispute resolution. We are honored to announce that we have extended an invitation to the renowned Prof. Dr. Peter Van den Bossche, former Chair of the WTO Appellate Body, to deliver a keynote speech.
  Please be aware that seating for each seminar and conference is limited. For the most up-to-date event information and registration links, kindly visit the official website for the 2023 Arbitration Week: http://www.arbitrationweek.tw/
(Press “ctrl+F5” to update the webpage if you are seeing the content of 2022. Clear cached images if you are on a mobile phone.)